All of the transcriptions cielo24 can provide also can include media data (timed transcripts) and intelligence (topics, keywords, adwords) to enhance content ROI by powering content discovery, engagement, ad targeting, and asset management.
In addition, cielo24 has an interactive transcript widget leveraging cielo24 proprietary Media data available for select integrations. The functionality include the ability to search within videos as well as:
- Interactive transcript experience. The transcript is time stamped and synchronized to the video frame.
- Displays cielo24 media intelligence including topics, keywords and AdWords.
- Multi language support for native captions and foreign language subtitles.
- Content search with heat map including words, topics, keywords, and entities.
- For videos with multiple speakers identified, speaker search by color coded heat map and time stamps.
- Complete customization including custom settings like social sharing, and transcript download.
- Configurable social sharing of selected videos down to the specific caption across sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
- Ability to download and print transcripts including speakers and time stamps.
cielo24 Interactive Transcript Widget Instructions for Kaltura MediaSpace
The cielo24 interactive transcription widget and media data player for Kaltura MediaSpace:
- Instructions for setting up a player:
- In Studio > Universal Studio > Edit your favorite player, create new player, or duplicate your favorite player
- Click on Plugin icon on bottom left
- Click ‘Import Plugin’
- A dialogue box will pop up to insert a string:
- Place the string below in the ‘Plugin Configuration String’:
onPageJs1=//{margin-bottom:0}#mediaContainer{height:auto;padding-bottom:0!important;padding-top:0!important}#mediaContainer #player div.kWidgetIframeContainer{position:relative;padding-bottom:56.25%;padding-top:36px;left:auto;top:auto}.entryTitle,.stat_data{margin-top:20px}#mediaContainer #player #cielo24-iframe-wrapper-kplayer{background:#FFF;height:auto;left:auto;position:relative;top:auto;width:auto}#mediaContainer #player #cielo24-iframe-wrapper-kplayer iframe{background-color:#FFF;height:inherit;left:unset;position:unset;top:unset;width:none}
- Under ‘UI variables’ you can now edit any values to customize the player display.
cielo24 Interactive Transcript Widget Instructions for iFrame Embed
- The instructions for creating an iFrame supported version of the widget for embedding content is similar to the Mediaspace setup. The value to copy into ‘‘Plugin Configuration String’ is different:
IframeCustomPluginJs1=//{margin-bottom:0}#mediaContainer{height:auto;padding-bottom:0!important;padding-top:0!important}#mediaContainer #player div.kWidgetIframeContainer{position:relative;padding-bottom:56.25%;padding-top:36px;left:auto;top:auto}.entryTitle,.stat_data{margin-top:20px}#mediaContainer #player #cielo24-iframe-wrapper-kplayer{background:#FFF;height:auto;left:auto;position:relative;top:auto;width:auto}#mediaContainer #player #cielo24-iframe-wrapper-kplayer iframe{background-color:#FFF;height:inherit;left:unset;position:unset;top:unset;width:none}body{background-color:white}&onPageCss1=//
- To verify and ensure that the iFrame embed widget is configured correctly, review the following differences under the UI variables compared to the Mediaspace version of the widget:
- In UI Variables, instead of onPageJs1, the key is: IframeCustomPluginJs1
- A new UI Variable, key onPageCss1 is set to value://
- Additional Style declaration body {background-color:white} added to additionalCSS:
.action-edit{margin-bottom:0}#mediaContainer{height:auto;padding-bottom:0!important;padding-top:0!important}#mediaContainer #player div.kWidgetIframeContainer{position:relative;padding-bottom:56.25%;padding-top:36px;left:auto;top:auto}.entryTitle,.stat_data{margin-top:20px}#mediaContainer #player #cielo24-iframe-wrapper-kplayer{background:#FFF;height:auto;left:auto;position:relative;top:auto;width:auto}#mediaContainer #player #cielo24-iframe-wrapper-kplayer iframe{background-color:#FFF;height:inherit;left:unset;position:unset;top:unset;width:none}body{background-color:white}
- To update the embed sizes for ‘browseandembed' (Mashup) or ‘embed’ functions either in the KAF as the default, or per embedded video to support the additional widget size (ex. 400px) configured for the interactive transcript player add the widget height to sizes:
- Small: 304 x 595
- Medium: 400 x 650
- Large: 608 x 765
- Once setup, copy an embed code set embed type to ‘iframe’ and select 'HTTPS support'.
- If you have set the ‘embed' defaults in KAF the height will already be adjusted or copy the iframe embed code and manipulate directly.
- To have the height and width dynamic (responsive) within iFrame use adjust the code:
- By default, the embed code generated from Kaltura will look like this:
<iframe src="<your link from generated embed code>" width="560" height="395" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozAllowFullScreen frameborder="0" style="width: 560px; height: 395px;" itemprop="video" itemscope itemtype=""><span itemprop="name" content="Your title"></span><span itemprop="description" content="Your Description"></span><span itemprop="duration" content="189"></span><span itemprop="thumbnail" content="<your link from generated embed code>"></span><span itemprop="width" content="560"></span><span itemprop="height" content="395"></span></iframe>
- Update the embed code per below (note: the updated bits of code are in bold):
<div style="position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden;"><div style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;"><div style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"><iframe title="Your Title" src="your same link from generated embed code"width="100%" height="100%" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" webkitallowfullscreen="webkitallowfullscreen" mozallowfullscreen="mozallowfullscreen"></iframe></div></div></div>
Please contact your account manager or if you have any questions.
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